HomeblogsDiseasesTop Signs & Symptoms of Piles (Hemorrhoids)

Top Signs & Symptoms of Piles (Hemorrhoids)


Haemorrhoids, sometimes referred to as piles, are the enlarged blood vessels situated inside or near the bottom (the anus and rectum). Haemorrhoids frequently go unnoticed, and some people aren’t even aware they develop them. But when early-stage piles symptoms do manifest, they could include a scratchy (itchy) anus, hard lumps that are close to the anus and feel uncomfortable or sensitive, aching or pain in the anus, particularly while you are sitting, and bleeding in the rectum.

Unless when their blood flow is slowed or cut off, haemorrhoids are normally not uncomfortable. Your rectum veins become compressed by pressure, which results in haemorrhoids. These may be recognised as bottom-related varicose veins (enlarged veins). Anal veins as well as rectal veins may swell and inflame in response to any type of stress that puts more pressure on your abdomen or lower body.

When pelvic pressure rises due to an increased weight, particularly during pregnancy, or while carrying large objects, engaging in activities such as weightlifting, and/ or pushing very hard to poop because of constipation, haemorrhoids can occur. If you experience serious or long-lasting haemorrhoid problems, consult your doctor. Rectal bleeding ought to be regularly examined so that your physician can rule out serious, maybe life-threatening problems. Frequently, haemorrhoid symptoms go away by themselves or after using basic over-the-counter medications. However, if your symptoms persist or if you have discomfort or bleeding, consult your doctor.

Symptoms of piles/haemorrhoids based on their types

Internal Haemorrhoids
The majority of the time, these haemorrhoids are not noticeable to the human eye because they form within the rectum. Due to frequently bleeding easily, internal haemorrhoids normally don’t hurt. Internal haemorrhoids can occasionally prolapse, or stick out through the anus and be visible. The majority of the time, they may either be forced back within the rectum or will naturally shrink within when this occurs.

Symptoms of Internal Haemorrhoids

  • Discomfort or strain while releasing stool may be experienced.
  • Bleeding seen during bowel movements, which don’t hurt. You can find tiny traces of blood that is bright red on your tissue paper or inside your toilet container.
  • An uncomfortable anal opening, which results from a prolapsed or extending haemorrhoid.

Prolapsed Haemorrhoids

Inflamed veins within the rectum that unexpectedly emerge from the anus are known as prolapsed haemorrhoids. They are different from internal haemorrhoids, which stay within the rectum, and external haemorrhoids, which develop on or near the anus skin. Although prolapsed haemorrhoids often don’t hurt, they can cause irritation, bleeding, as well as itching, especially when you’re seated or having a bowel movement. The majority of cases are simple, but some advanced prolapsed haemorrhoids have been found to rupture, develop clots, or become entrapped in the anal muscles.

The symptoms of this type of piles include:

Itching and irritation – A prolapsed haemorrhoid frequently causes anal itching. Rough and inflamed skin can also be observed near the anus.
Bad odour – Mucus can exhibit a disagreeable odour when it’s present.
A lump – Frequently, painless bump is first noticed during cleansing after a bowel activity that the mild. Upon evaluation, the lump is seen to be ejected past the anus, or orifice, of the rectum.
Bleeding – Prolapsed haemorrhoids frequently result in bright red bleeding that appears on the tissue paper or in the stool itself.
Mucus secretion – This pasty, white fluid may develop as the outcome of rectal infection. After cleaning, the mucus could be visible on faeces or tissue paper.
Incomplete clearance – After having a bowel movement, you may get this sensation of full bowels.
Faecal leakage – This is brought on by tissues sticking out from the anus, which makes it possible for remaining stool to pass.

External Haemorrhoids

External haemorrhoids appear as one or more unpleasant lumps under the skin of the anus. They protrude because they are inflated blood arteries that have grown very large.
Within the bulging blood vessel, blood can clot. In certain instances, this might develop into a lump that hurts. Constant straining during bowel movements is the most frequent trigger of external haemorrhoids. Severe instances of diarrhoea or constipation are common causes of this. Blood accumulates in the region when you strain. Moreover, this may place strain on the tissues close to the anus as well as the rectum. Haemorrhoids may also be highly common in pregnant women due to the additional strain the stomach places on these veins. Haemorrhoids have historically been linked to being overweight. If you regularly carry heavy objects, your risk of haemorrhoids may be increased. A diet lacking in fibre may trigger constipation, which might result in haemorrhoids.


External haemorrhoids can lead to several symptoms. Depending on the level of severity, symptoms change, external piles symptoms include:

  • One or maybe more unpleasant lumps of blue colour on the skin close to the anus
  • Scratching in the rectal region
  • Discomfort or soreness in the area of the anus, especially when you’re sitting

While using the bathroom, you can experience bleeding. This includes spotting blood in the stool or on the tissue paper. It may feel like you’ve got enlarged lumps around the anus. It could be challenging to keep the anal tidy if the external haemorrhoids are enlarged. If you notice them, make an appointment with your doctor for a check-up.

Thrombosed Haemorrhoids

When a blood clot develops inside a haemorrhoid, which is a bulging vein inside the rectum, the haemorrhoid becomes thrombosed. Painful symptoms are brought on by a blood clot that prevents the flow of blood. Haemorrhoids with thrombosis can occur internally or externally. While internal haemorrhoids grow within the anus, external haemorrhoids develop in the tissue on the outside of the anus. Haemorrhoids that have clots are not harmful, but they can be extremely painful.

The appearance of thrombosed haemorrhoids differs from that of chronic haemorrhoids.
The signs of thrombosed haemorrhoids are:

  • Pain when standing, walking, or going to the bathroom
  • Bleeding when having a bowel discharge
  • Itching near the region of the anus
  • Lumps or enlargement near the anus region

Symptoms of Piles FAQs:

How long do piles symptoms last?

If your haemorrhoids are tiny, piles symptoms can go away on their own within a few days. However, in chronic cases, the symptoms may last for weeks with frequent flare-ups.

How can piles symptoms be controlled?

Piles symptoms can be reduced or controlled by keeping your stool soft, consuming enough fluids and fibre, taking a hot bath to soothe itchiness and soreness, using an ice pack covered with towels to relieve pain, gently pressing a lump back inside, maintaining your bottom tidy and dry, and engaging in daily exercise. You can consider taking paracetamol if your piles ache.

Which symptoms are consistent with piles?

Bright crimson blood with bowel movements is the most consistent sign of haemorrhoids.

What are the symptoms of piles in females?

Lumps near the anus region, stools containing traces of blood, and constipation are some of the common symptoms of piles in females

What are the symptoms of piles in males?

Bleeding in stools, inflammation near the anus, itchy sensation near the anus, and pain are some of the symptoms of piles in males.

Dr.William Lewis Aliquam sit amet dignissim ligula, eget sodales orci. Etiam vehicula est ligula, laoreet porttitor diam congue eget. Cras vestibulum id nisl eu luctus. In malesuada tortor magna, vel tincidunt augue fringilla eget. Fusce ac lectus nec tellus malesuada pretium.

MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery) Gold Medalist (2009-2015) M.D In General Medicine (2016-2019), CCID (Infectious Diseases)

PG Diploma In Clinical Endocrinology v& Diabetes, Clinical Associate in Non-Invasive Cardiology

Dr.William Lewis Aliquam sit amet dignissim ligula, eget sodales orci. Etiam vehicula est ligula, laoreet porttitor diam congue eget. Cras vestibulum id nisl eu luctus. In malesuada tortor magna, vel tincidunt augue fringilla eget. Fusce ac lectus nec tellus malesuada pretium.

MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery) Gold Medalist (2009-2015) M.D In General Medicine (2016-2019), CCID (Infectious Diseases)

PG Diploma In Clinical Endocrinology v& Diabetes, Clinical Associate in Non-Invasive Cardiology

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