HomeblogsHealth-and-wellnessPlank Benefits: Meaning, Types & Benefits of Plank Exercise

Plank Benefits: Meaning, Types & Benefits of Plank Exercise

Plank is a great way to kickstart your exercise routine without additional equipment. The best method to begin your fitness journey with planks is to set a monthly time goal. It helps increase back strength, develop a defined core, and improve overall body posture. To get all the benefits of plank exercise at once, engaging the stomach muscles responsible for flattening your abs and stabilising your core from front to back is crucial. In order to ease into a decent workout, you may also experiment with several plank variants to make it more entertaining than usual. Plank exercises may not always be straightforward, but they can become formidable forces if performed with the right alignment, technique, and commitment.


Let’s discuss the important details and benefits of doing planks to encourage you to use them in your daily workout sessions and enhance your physical and mental health for the rest of your life.


Benefits of Making Plank Exercise Your Daily Health Booster

Almost all of the muscular groups in our body are worked out during a plank. This means including planks in your workout routine will result in a stronger overall physique. However, planks do more than only increase muscular mass; there are other plank benefits. With plank, your skeletal system becomes stronger and you become more focused and attentive. Planks even aid in appropriate breathing.



Let’s take a closer look at some of the plank benefits and get started with a happening workout session.


Improves Your Posture

Due to spending all day in front of a computer, TV, or steering wheel; many people develop what is known as a desk jockey posture. This position causes a forward-leaning shoulder, rounded upper back and posterior pelvic tilt. In simple terms, the muscles’ length-tension connections change due to spending the entire day leaning over on the front side. Some muscles stretch out too much; others shorten; some are overactive, while others are underactive. You may slide into positions that allow you to rely on our bones for stability rather than your muscles to maintain a neutral spine.


One of the benefits of planking every day is an improved posture. Your bones and joints will be well preserved with plank since it keeps them in the right posture. Furthermore, it ensures that all of your muscles become highly productive. If you have good posture, which ensures that your back or spine is in the optimal position, you will suffer less back pain. Alongside everything else, someone with good posture conveys a healthy and confident appearance.


Boosts core strength

The shoulder bones, joints, spines, and pelvis make up the core of your body. A simple exercise to improve your core strength and stabilisation is the plank. Coaches and athletes frequently use plank exercises for core building as an excellent starting point for people’s core workout programmes. The most important thing is to maintain as much straightness in your body from heel to shoulder. Plank exercise helps to develop the oblique muscles, transversus abdominis, glutes, and rectus abdominis —the four major muscle groups that make up your core.


Enhances physical flexibility

You can work on your flexibility by completing resistance exercises like planks as well as stretching your body to its maximum capacity. Planking increases the flexibility of your whole body and is the ideal strength and stretch workout since holding the posture while you perform it stretches and extends all of the posterior muscles in your back and legs.


Belly Fat Reduction

The plank stance is a terrific exercise for getting rid of rigid belly fat since it primarily engages your core abdominal muscles. Doing plank holding every day can be enough to reduce abdominal fat and give your body an attractive contour.


Reduces back pain

The plank position enables the vertebrae to align precisely. This may even assist in avoiding or postponing the beginning of back discomfort in the later stages of life. Additionally, by strengthening your muscles in the abdomen, this pose will make it easier for you to hold your weight when standing up straight. Back pain will also reduce if you do plank regularly.


Enhances metabolism

As planks increase core strength, it often encourages the growth of muscles in different sections of your body, including the abdominals. More calories will burn if you have increased muscle mass, which will give you a good appetite. As a result, practising the plank stance regularly can aid in increasing metabolism. In this way, by enhancing metabolism, plank for weight loss is a considerable choice.


Improves Your Mood

Plank workout benefits are many. They have a unique effect on our nerves, making them a great approach to improving mood.


Imagine sitting in a chair all day, whether at home or at work. Your shoulders tense up from having to slump forward all day, your thigh muscles tense up from being bent for several hours, and your legs get heavy from being bent. The muscles and nerves are strained by each of these circumstances. The good news is that planks can calm your brain and reduce feelings of anxiety and sadness, but only if you make them a regular part of your routine.


Learn the Different Forms of Plank to Make the Perfect Choice

The benefits of plank exercise depend on what type of plank you are performing. Note what may work best for you by checking the various forms of a plank.


Forearm Plank Exercise

The most fundamental type of plank is the forearm plank exercise. Instead of being on your hands, employ planks specifically on your forearms. Due to the change in angle, it becomes harder since the weight is distributed more over your core and less over your legs when the angle is more flat. You want to make sure your body creates a straight line from your heel to your shoulder.


Side Plank

Try the side plank to actively engage your upper body. Laying on your side with your forearm on the ground, strive to maintain a straight torso from heel to shoulder as much as you can. Be sure to strike both sides. Shift from a side plank to a front forearm plank and back into a side plank on the opposite side if you can perform this without difficulty and want to challenge yourself.


Reach Plank Exercise

The reach plank exercise is for you if you believe you have or want to have strong shoulders. By starting in a forearm plank and lifting one arm out in front of you, you can first check your balance. Utilise a dumbbell if this is simple. If you’re using dumbbells, start light to verify your balance before adding weight.


Plank Wiper

For trying the plank wiper exercise, it is necessary to have some sort of object that makes it simple to slide around the floor. A similar idea can be implemented using a paper plate if you’re doing things at home. Swing your leg out to the side and return to its starting position while starting in a plank position with a glider on one foot. Try to maintain the remaining of your body as straight as possible to optimally benefit from this form.


Plank Jacks

The plank jack is a terrific method to include in your cardio programme and keep your heart healthy since it combines the core stabilising benefits of a plank with the aerobic benefits of a jumping jack. Start in a usual plank position, then move your feet in and out like you would for a jumping jack exercise with a tiny leap.


Side Plank Leg Rise

This exercise belongs to the more challenging spectrum of plank variants. This will put your balance to the test and include your opposite oblique even more if you find that it is already good with a side plank. Begin by doing a side plank, then slowly lift one leg and then lower it again.



Plank-up is for you if you’re seeking a fantastic ab exercise for your arm day. This will feel more intense on your core than on your arms, but if your arms are already worn out, saving them until the finish may help. Beginning with a forearm plank, slightly lean to one side, and extend your arm so that your palm is on the floor. Move your weight to the side of the now-extended arm, then raise the other arm to the same level. Bring the first arm back onto your forearm slowly before doing the same with the other. Repeat as necessary for the number of times you go both up and down.


Sliding-Plank Crunch

It’s an excellent way to focus on one side with the lower abs and obliques.
Beginning in the forearm plank position, raise your knee up and slightly to the outside on the side with the glider as far as you feel you can before returning to the forearm plank position.


Plank Crunch

The plank crunch will be significantly more difficult than the previous exercises. Start in a forearm plank position, then tip your weight to one side and raise your arm and leg off the floor. Reposition your knee and elbow by touching them together. Try to move slowly with this one; it won’t be far, but if you move too quickly, you might find yourself falling back.


Plank Switch

Change your weight to one side as you begin in the forearm plank. A straight elbow should be pointed up as you lift your arm. Control yourself and come back down. Then, instantly lift the opposite arm in a similar manner.


Plank Push-Up

This exercise is ideal before moving on to plank-ups on an arm day. Your triceps will be much more prominent as a result. Start with both hands on the ground in a forearm plank position. The challenging phase is now: control yourself as you slowly lower yourself after pushing up until your arms are fully extended.


Plank Pistons

This is the trickiest one for you today, so here it is. Because of the swift alternating action required, they are known as plank pistons. Pulling this off will also take some flexibility. However, its benefits are considerable, as you utilise your complete core, including upper and lower abs, with strong oblique activity. This is to be expected, given its complexity. Starting in a forearm plank posture, bring both feet together and up to the outside. Make sure your inside leg is towards the outside of your hip (this indicates that you have extended your leg out far enough), then leap back to the forearm plank position. Next, repeat the process on the other side.


Common Mistakes During Plank that Can Keep You from Savouring Plank Benefits
Planks concentrate on the whole body, including the shoulders, arms, and core. With this total-body exercise, even posture correction and back pain alleviation are feasible. Therefore, it’s essential to maintain the correct posture while performing plank workouts. Improper planking can lead to a number of ailments, including injuries to the shoulder, wrist, lower back, and neck. Here are a few instances of typical postural mistakes:



Sagging Hips

It is possible to knowingly sink your hips during both high and low planks, one with fully extended arms and another with just the forearms. This releases the muscle core you intended to target while also putting additional strain on the shoulders and lower back. To enhance your posture, always try to keep your shoulders and hips in line.


Wandering Arms

During side planks, if you keep the support arm very far from the body, this will strain your wrist, shoulder, and neck. When executing side planks, the shoulder must be aligned with the top of the wrist in order to avoid the risk of plank training injuries. To achieve the posture of a perfect plank, place the support hand directly on the shoulder, hold the other hand above high, and extend your legs out in a “T” form.



The mistake that many people make when practising planks is to slant their palms towards the middle of their bodies till their chest collapses as a result of their shoulders being unstable. The hands should be parallel to one another, not split at the elbows, and have slightly extended fingers. Accidents won’t occur if you follow this procedure.


There is no expense, no special equipment is required, and planks may be performed anywhere. They are quite simple to include in daily or fitness routines. You don’t even have to schedule them into a particular spot in your routine frequently. You can add the advantages of planks to your exercises if you just use them as active rest in between sets, intervals, or even laps if you’re lifting weights. Planks are so easy to complete that you can practise them on your living room floor during commercials or work breaks. Just keep in mind to go gently and concentrate more on your ability to create tension in your muscles while holding the plank for as long as you can hold it. Planks can have a surprising impact on your body, posture, and speed. So, make planks a part of your daily chores and start your journey towards being fit and fabulous!

Dr.William Lewis Aliquam sit amet dignissim ligula, eget sodales orci. Etiam vehicula est ligula, laoreet porttitor diam congue eget. Cras vestibulum id nisl eu luctus. In malesuada tortor magna, vel tincidunt augue fringilla eget. Fusce ac lectus nec tellus malesuada pretium.

MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery) Gold Medalist (2009-2015) M.D In General Medicine (2016-2019), CCID (Infectious Diseases)

PG Diploma In Clinical Endocrinology v& Diabetes, Clinical Associate in Non-Invasive Cardiology

Dr.William Lewis Aliquam sit amet dignissim ligula, eget sodales orci. Etiam vehicula est ligula, laoreet porttitor diam congue eget. Cras vestibulum id nisl eu luctus. In malesuada tortor magna, vel tincidunt augue fringilla eget. Fusce ac lectus nec tellus malesuada pretium.

MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery) Gold Medalist (2009-2015) M.D In General Medicine (2016-2019), CCID (Infectious Diseases)

PG Diploma In Clinical Endocrinology v& Diabetes, Clinical Associate in Non-Invasive Cardiology

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