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Top 19 Peepal Tree Health Benefits for Body Wellness

India is a country where mother nature has bountifully spread its offerings in all nooks and corners. One such blessing is the peepal tree.

The health benefits of the peepal tree have been cherished for several generations as it has tons of therapeutic and medicinal effects.

With benefits, the peepal tree also has religious significance. It is popularly known as Bodhi Satva as Lord Buddha attained ‘Moksha’ in one of these sacred trees. From Hinduism and Buddhism to Jainism, the peepal tree has been worshipped by the followers of multiple religions since time immemorial.

Almost all parts of your body can benefit from the peepal tree as it has unique components that positively impact every body part. To understand the immense peepal tree benefits, follow this page till the end.

Health Benefits of Peepal Tree

Different parts of the peepal tree have different significance for your health. To learn about the medicinal uses of peepal tree, read on.

1. Aid in Stomachache

Peepal tree benefits your stomach by curing sudden aches resulting from indigestion or other common reasons. It works best when you prepare a paste out of a few leaves of peepal and make a consistent mixture with some jaggery powder. The mixture can then be shaped into small balls to be had thrice or four times a day. This preparation gradually soothes your stomach and reduces stomach aches.

2. Medicinal Uses for Asthma

Peepal tree bark is known to have medicinal effects for patients suffering from breathing issues like asthma. The ripe fruit of the peepal tree benefits in such conditions when consumed with the peepal tree bark. You can store the ripe fruits and bark of the tree separately by making a powder from them. Before consuming, all you have to do is mix these two ingredients in the same portions (1:1 ratio). Add some water to this mixture and consume in small quantities twice every day for 14 days. You can witness your breathing condition improving with a few days of regular consumption.

3. Medicinal Use for Cardiac Health

Cardiac health is vital to keep your body going on and strong. Every day, your heart beats nearly 1 lakh times. Your pulse has a major role to play in keeping other organs actively working. After a certain age, adults often suffer from palpitation, a condition where the heart muscles function slower than normal. To improve heart health, you can use boiled peepal leaves. You should keep the boiled leaves undisturbed overnight and have them in the morning after straining out the liquid extract. However, in case of a serious heart problem, it is recommended to consult your doctor first.

4. Effect on Itchy Skin Condition

Itchy skin is a common condition that many individuals face. If you are among these people, you can try having the leaves of the peepal tree. Peepal tree leaves benefit your itchy skin when you have them daily. The best way to have them is as tea. You require around 40 ml of water in which you need to brew some peepal tree leaves. Savour it and see the difference in a couple of days.

Besides healing itchy skin, peepal tree leaves are beneficial in other skin infections when combined with its bark, lemon juice, and ghee. This combination works magically when applied to the infected skin area within a small span.

5. Rejuvenating Skin Complexion

If you often go out in the sun and can’t figure out what is the safest way to get rid of the suntan, then using peepal tree bark powder is your way to go. You can blend the powder with gram flour or besan with some water in it to make a face pack. Evenly apply this pack all over your face and leave it for some time before rinsing. Using this pack helps brighten the skin and effectively reduces newly developed wrinkles.

6. Toothache

When you couple banyan tree bark with peepal tree’s, it works as a pain reliever for toothache. The peepal tree bark, along with banyan tree bark, can be used before you brush your teeth in the morning or night. For optimal effects, use equal portions of peepal and banyan tree bark and boil in some water. Filter the bark and use the liquid extract to rinse your mouth thoroughly. You will quickly be relieved of the pain when you rinse your mouth with this extract for the first time. However, this should be continued till the ache completely subsides. The bark extract can also be used to keep away any tooth diseases. With that, this combination effectively reduces bleeding from gums and associated pain.

7. Cracked Heels

Whatever the season, cracked heels are an ordeal many individuals have to battle, but with proper care, you can easily solve this problem over time. Peepal leaf juice is a well-known ingredient that can soften your feet and reduce the occurrence of cracks on them. Take a small volume of peepal leaf juice and gently massage it all over your feet daily. You can see your heels soften and cracks vanishing in a few days.

8. Fever Treatment

Out of the many advantages of peepal tree leaves, their use as a reliever of fever is one of the most common. For this purpose, you need to boil a few tender leaves of the peepal tree, some sugar, and milk. This acts as a beneficial concoction that should be consumed twice every day till the fever subsides. You can even try this beverage when suffering from a common cough and cold.

9. Aid in Constipation

Constipation is a painful problem that many people from all over the world face daily. If you leave this condition unattained, you may face drastic implications like piles. To have a proper bowel movement and a healthy digestive system, passing stool regularly holds immense significance. Peepal tree benefits can be extrapolated till improving conditions like constipation. You can use peepal tree leaves powder along with some anise seed powder and jaggery. It is not only beneficial to soothe constipation but also makes a delightful delicacy. You need to blend this mixture with milk just before going to bed. The concoction helps detoxify your body, relieving your digestive system and improving bowel movement to soothe constipation.

10. Remedy for Diarrhoea with Blood

The advantages of peepal trees can be seen in people witnessing diarrhoea with visible blood. This condition is frequent among people with poor dietary habits. Plus, food poisoning can be another reason for such an occurrence. If you keep this problem untreated, it can lead to severe fatigue and dehydration. To improve your situation, you need to collect some softer young stems of peepal branches. Wash it with water and make a paste from it. To this paste, add some granulated sugar and coriander seeds in the same proportions, and the mixture is ready. Consume this blend thrice every day and see if the condition improves in a couple of days. If diarrhoea remains persistent, reach your physician as soon as possible.

11. Aid in Ear Infection

Minute ear infections can be diminished with the help of peepal tree leaves. To have an effective outcome, you have to heat the extract of the peepal tree and make it warm up to a touchable temperature. Pour around 3 drops of this extract inside your affected ear. To do so, you can use a soft cotton bud. It will soothe your pain and health the infection in a short duration.

12. Blood Purification

The health of our blood is frequently considered the determiner of our overall health. To maintain optimal blood health, it is crucial to work on detoxifying your blood. Drinking a concoction prepared using seeds of peepal tree and honey can help you to do so. It is a great tonic to fight blood disorders like anaemia and to have sound physical health.

13. Aid in Poor Appetite

Poor appetite can be a sign of improper digestion within your body. To nullify this situation, you can eat the ripe peepal tree fruits regularly. It is also a good agent to decrease the burning sensation felt in the stomach after having food.

14. Medicinal Uses for Diabetes

Being diabetic or having high blood sugar levels can have life-threatening consequences if kept untreated. Even though you need medical assistance for managing diabetes, using peepal tree leaves can catalyse your treatment well. The leaves have potent components that can reduce blood sugar levels when accompanied by Haritaki fruit powder.

15. Nasal Bleeding

Medicinal uses of peepal tree include using it to arrest bleeding from the nose. It is an instant reliever when it comes to reducing nasal bleeding. Use 2 to 3 drops of the peepal leaf extract on both your nostrils. This helps you stop the bleeding immediately. If the condition keeps bothering you even after using the extract multiple times in a day, you should visit an ENT immediately.

16. Benefits for Kidney

The peepal tree and its parts are extensively used in Ayurvedic medicines for treating kidney problems. The leaves of peepal have a good amount of mennos, Vitamin K, and Asteroids that are utilised to treat kidney issues. To learn about the proportions and ways to use it for kidney issues, it is ideal for visiting an Ayurvedic health practitioner.

17. Jaundice Treatment

As a common disease of the gall bladder, liver, and pancreas, jaundice affects a large population every year with major physical complexities. If someone has jaundice, it takes a long time (almost 6 months) to fully recover from its impact. In the recovery period, one needs to follow a strict diet. To complement this diet, peepal tree leaves are an excellent choice. Using the juice extracted from the leaves and mixing it with sugar to make a concoction that can be consumed regularly can fasten your recovery and boost your immune system.

18. Healing Snake Bites

Peepal tree benefits are evident during snake bites. When you have a snake bite, you need to consume the peepal leaf extract thrice or four times a day. Use soft leaves to extract its juice and have two spoonful of the extract thrice from the day till night. The components of the leaves are potent in reducing the effect of snake poison, helping you to recover rapidly.

19. Peepal Fruit for Treating Impotency

If you or someone you know is having sexual issues or suffering from impotency, using peepal fruit might help. You can make it a powder of peepal fruit and have it with milk three times daily. It not only helps battle impotency but also strengthens your body as a whole. Another recipe that is known to work is one with peal roots, fruits, shunthi, and bark. You need to mix all these ingredients in equal portions and mix them with milk. Add some sweetener, preferably honey and drink the beverage twice a day. This enhances your sexual stamina and improves your chances of recovering your sexual health.


The peepal tree offers numerous benefits to a regular consumer. If you are battling against any condition specified here, you can try some of the options presented above.

Dr.William Lewis Aliquam sit amet dignissim ligula, eget sodales orci. Etiam vehicula est ligula, laoreet porttitor diam congue eget. Cras vestibulum id nisl eu luctus. In malesuada tortor magna, vel tincidunt augue fringilla eget. Fusce ac lectus nec tellus malesuada pretium.

MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery) Gold Medalist (2009-2015) M.D In General Medicine (2016-2019), CCID (Infectious Diseases)

PG Diploma In Clinical Endocrinology v& Diabetes, Clinical Associate in Non-Invasive Cardiology

Dr.William Lewis Aliquam sit amet dignissim ligula, eget sodales orci. Etiam vehicula est ligula, laoreet porttitor diam congue eget. Cras vestibulum id nisl eu luctus. In malesuada tortor magna, vel tincidunt augue fringilla eget. Fusce ac lectus nec tellus malesuada pretium.

MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery) Gold Medalist (2009-2015) M.D In General Medicine (2016-2019), CCID (Infectious Diseases)

PG Diploma In Clinical Endocrinology v& Diabetes, Clinical Associate in Non-Invasive Cardiology

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