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10 Surprising Health Benefits Of Drinking Pineapple Juice

Pineapple juice is a highly applauded and rejuvenating tropical beverage that is made from fresh pineapples. In many countries, fruit juices are used as remedies to treat or prevent various diseases. Several medical studies have proved that the benefits of pineapple juice are unfathomable. Pineapple juice is effective in improving digestion and heart health, minimizing inflammation, and also giving protection against some types of cancers.

Let us dig deeper to understand all about the health benefits of pineapple juice. 

Nutrients in Pineapple Juice

Before we acquaint you with the plethora of benefits of drinking pineapple juice, we want you to learn about the nutritional value of pineapple juice:





132 Cal


215 g


0.5 g


32 mg


0.78 mg


30 mg


1.26 mg


20 mg


325 mg


5 mg

Vitamin A

12 IU


45 mcg

Vitamin C

25 mg


Being a rich source of manganese, copper, vitamin B6, and vitamin C, pineapple juice is an excellent food for improving bone health, wound healing, energy production, tissue synthesis, and immunity.

Additionally, pineapple juice is a good source of antioxidants, which can help maintain a healthy body by combating the damage caused by oxidative stress.

You can consume pineapple juice moderately to enjoy its awesome benefits.

14 Surprising Health Benefits of Drinking Pineapple Juice

Pineapple juice, made from pineapple fruit native to South America, has long been used by people as a remedy to treat or prevent numerous ailments. Research has also suggested several benefits associated with consuming pineapple juice. Here are some of the potential pineapple juice benefits.

1. Pineapple Juice for Weight Loss

People concerned about their weight can consider including pineapple juice in their diet. Not only does pineapple juice taste good, but it also provides a ton of nutrients to the body and helps maintain good health.

Pineapple juice contains an enzyme called bromelain that helps in protein metabolism. Bromelain also supports lipase to digest fats and thus, it suppresses your appetite. Moreover, fresh juice is a full source of fibre which gives you a sense of fullness and satiety. Pineapple juice also contains an enzyme called proteases that breaks down protein into amino acids and peptides. Your gut will absorb these things easily. Good digestion improves your weight loss process.

However, it is important to maintain a balanced approach to weight loss. While calories are a consideration, it is also crucial to ensure adequate nutrient intake. Incorporating pineapple juice and other fruit juices can help prevent nutrient deficiencies.

2. Pineapple Juice Benefits for Skin

Pineapple juice is packed up with vitamin C and antioxidants. Thus, it treats acne, sun damage, and uneven skin toning. It makes your skin lustrous and keeps it hydrated. Pineapple juice improves collagen production and helps to combat the signs of aging. This juice also inhibits hyperpigmentation.

Many skincare products are marketed today with the claim of containing vitamin C. However, it is important to note that topical application of vitamin C has its limitations. To truly promote overall health and benefit the skin, it is crucial to maintain a healthy diet that provides an adequate amount of vitamin C. In fact, obtaining sufficient vitamin C through dietary sources can potentially eliminate the need for topical application.

3. Improves your Vision

If you consume pineapple juice regularly, then it will minimise your chances of getting cataracts and macular degeneration. Vitamin C and antioxidants in pineapple juice will prevent opacification of the ocular lens which will lead to vision loss and cloudiness. Moreover, vitamin A, Beta-carotene, potassium, and manganese also prevent cell damage that may lead to macular degeneration in older adults.

As individuals age, their vision may naturally decline, making it important to focus on maintaining a healthy diet to support optimum eye health. It is especially crucial for those with nutrient deficiencies to pay close attention to their regular consumption and ensure they are obtaining enough nutrients to support their eye health.

By incorporating pineapple juice and other nutrient-rich foods, individuals can potentially enhance their eye health and minimise the risk of vision-related issues.

4. Improves your Heart Health

To make your heart healthy, incorporate pineapple juice into your diet. Potassium and bromelain in pineapple juice prevent blood clotting, improve blood circulation, and help to get rid of various cardiovascular diseases.

With an increasing prevalence of heart ailments affecting people, including young children, it has become crucial to pay more attention to heart health. Alongside lifestyle choices and other factors, one’s dietary habits play a significant role in influencing heart health. Therefore, focusing on a healthy diet can go a long way toward promoting heart health.

5. Controls your Blood Pressure

A low-sodium diet is effective to control your blood pressure. Pineapple juice contains the lowest amount of sodium. One cup of pineapple juice has only 1 mg sodium and 195 mg potassium. Thus, nutritionists recommend drinking pineapple juice to people who have hypertension.

Although hypertension may not be a severe condition in every case, it is a chronic disease that can damage different systems of the body if not managed properly. Following a low-sodium diet, such as the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet, can be highly beneficial in managing hypertension effectively.

Thus, people with hypertension are recommended to consume food items like pineapple juice that have a low sodium amount, for maintaining a balanced sodium intake and potentially support blood pressure control.

6. Improves Women Health

Pineapple contains copper, zinc, and folate. All these minerals are related to fertility. Many studies have also claimed that bromelain in pineapple juice has some positive effects when a woman is trying to conceive. Pineapple juice also enhances sperm mobility.

Dysmenorrhea or a painful period occurs when the uterine contractions are triggered by a group of lipids called prostaglandins. Bromelain reduces PGE2 (responsible for contraction) levels while enhancing PGE1 levels (PGE1 relaxes the smooth muscles of the uterus). These are some of the benefits of pineapple to a woman.

7. Improves Bone Strength

Magnesium and manganese deficiency may lead to osteoporosis. Pineapple is a richer source of these minerals. Hence, consuming pineapple juice will prevent osteoporosis.

Pineapple contains magnesium, manganese, calcium, copper, and zinc which will reduce spinal bone loss in postmenopausal women. Manganese deficiency also affects bone development. Thus, to strengthen your bones, consume pineapple juice regularly.

Consuming pineapple juice regularly can be particularly beneficial for the elderly and children who are still in the process of bone development. Strong bones provide a solid support structure for the body and play a crucial role in synthesising various compounds, including red blood cells.

8. Effective against Cancer

Vitamin C, Bromelain, flavonoids, and other antioxidants in pineapple juice fight against free radicals. Moreover, pineapple contains the anti-cancerous ingredient—manganese—which boosts the production of superoxide dismutase enzyme. This enzyme breaks down all free radicals in your body. Pineapple is an excellent source of fibre and hence it reduces the chances of colorectal cancer.

High-risk individuals, including those with a family history of cancer or regular exposure to known carcinogens due to their work and lifestyle, are recommended to include healthy foods such as pineapple juice in their diet to potentially minimise their risk of developing cancer.

However, it is important to note that a healthy diet alone cannot guarantee the prevention or treatment of cancer, and it is advisable to consult with healthcare professionals for comprehensive guidance on cancer prevention and management.

9. Good for Arthritis

Bromelain in pineapple juice minimises the pain of arthritis. Research suggests that bromelain can help in reducing the intensity of pain in patients with osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.

A study has been published in Evidence-Based Complement Alternative Medicine looked at 28 people who are having knee arthritis. At the end of the study, it has been revealed that bromelain made a significant reduction in soft tissue swelling, pain and/or joint stiffness. No side effects are also noticed.

Living with arthritis can be challenging, with limited mobility and episodes of worsening pain. Including pineapple juice in the diet may provide relief for individuals with these disorders by minimising arthritis pain. Thus, people with these disorders can consider drinking pineapple juice to reduce their pain.

10. Detoxifies your Body and Mind

Pineapple is flooded with a lot of antioxidants and a proteolytic enzyme (Bromelain). Thus, pineapple juice is an excellent detox drink that alkalizes the body and improves your metabolism.

11. Strengthens your Immune System

Bromelain, naturally found in pineapples and commonly available in pineapple juice, has been suggested to stimulate the immune system without significant side effects. It may aid in the speedy recovery from infections such as pneumonia and sinusitis. While oral consumption of bromelain is easily absorbed by the body, the specific advantages of drinking pineapple juice as a bromelain supplement require further exploration.

By strengthening the immune system, individuals may experience quicker recovery from infections and have a reduced frequency of falling ill.

12. Aids Digestion

Pineapple juice contains enzymes, such as proteases, that aid in the breakdown of proteins into amino acids and small peptides. This breakdown is important for the absorption of protein in the gut. Bromelain, specifically, can be helpful in improving digestion, particularly for individuals with inadequate pancreatic enzyme secretion.

Some animal studies have also indicated the benefits of bromelain in pineapple juice benefits people by preventing their gut from the growth of harmful bacteria in their gut, such as E. coli, potentially reducing the risk of diarrhoea.

Maintaining a healthy gut is essential for overall well-being and can contribute to a quicker recovery from illnesses. Individuals who frequently experience digestive troubles may benefit from drinking pineapple juice as a means to support digestive health.

13. Soothes the Symptoms of Asthma

Pineapple juice may help soothe symptoms of respiratory distress caused by conditions, such as asthma and bronchitis. An animal study demonstrated that the bromelain in pineapple juice can have anti-inflammatory effects on people with asthma. Pineapple juice also benefits people with allergic asthma due to its vitamin C content.

While pineapple juice is considered to have a cooling effect on the body, individuals with asthma tend to avoid it during flare-ups. However, drinking pineapple juice when their condition is under control can potentially relieve respiratory distress and strengthen their immune system.

14. Reduces Inflammation

Pineapple juice may help reduce inflammation, which is associated with several chronic diseases. The antioxidants present in pineapple juice contribute to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Bromelain, found in pineapple juice, is believed to have a beneficial effect on preventing chronic diseases and reducing inflammation. It may also potentially alleviate pain and inflammation related to sports injuries, osteoarthritis, or rheumatoid arthritis of the knee.
While there is limited data on the direct effects of drinking pineapple juice on these specific injuries and diseases, consuming pineapple juice is generally considered safe and can provide increased nutrition in the diet.

These are some of the uses of pineapple juice for improving your health. The health benefits of pineapple juice, particularly in relation to its bromelain content, are supported by evidence. However, it is important to note that there is limited research specifically focused on the benefits of drinking pineapple juice.

These are some of the pineapple juice uses in your health.

Pineapple Juice Side Effects

While there are many advantages of pineapple juice and it is generally considered safe for most people, overconsumption may upset your stomach. Additionally, some people may experience side effects from drinking pineapple juice.

  • Bromelain present in pineapple juice can interfere with the body’s response to certain medications, particularly antibiotics and blood thinners, potentially causing harm to the body.
  • Some people may also get heartburn or acid reflux due to the high acid content of this beverage, especially individuals with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
  • Pineapple juice is high in sugar and low in fibre, which may contribute to weight gain in some individuals.
  • While small amounts of pineapple juice are associated with health benefits, excessive consumption, especially more than 150 mL per day, may have negative effects. It is recommended to limit intake and incorporate fresh pineapple juice as a health supplement, avoiding store-bought versions with added sugars and preservatives.
  • People who are allergic to wheat, celery, papaya or latex, then you must be allergic to bromelain too. Due to bromelain, you may face headaches, skin rash, flatulence, diarrhoea, and nausea.
  • Though pineapple is effective in ulcerative colitis, people who have stomach ulcers should avoid pineapple juice. Additionally, pineapple juice may uplift the effect of bleeding in people who are on blood thinners.


Who should not consume pineapple juice?

Since pineapple is acidic, hence it may enhance heartburn symptoms in people who are having gastroesophageal reflux disease. Moreover, to avoid side effects try to consume juice from full-grown pineapple.

Does pineapple juice lower blood pressure?

Since pineapple juice has higher potassium content, hence it will reduce your blood pressure. Pineapple juice also has lower sodium content; thus, it is beneficial for hypertension patients.

What is the best time to drink pineapple juice?

An ideal time for drinking pineapple juice is just after breakfast or right before/after exercise. If a person has no pre-existing conditions and does not have a high risk of getting a chronic condition, they may enjoy pineapple juice freely without excessively worrying about when to consume it.

Is pineapple juice good for the kidneys?

Pineapple is an ideal low potassium alternative for people who have kidney problems. Pineapple contains a higher amount of fiber, manganese, vitamin C, and bromelain (an enzyme that minimizes inflammation).

Is pineapple juice good for your lungs?

Pineapple juice comes up with an enzyme called bromelain, which has strong anti-inflammatory properties. Bromelain improves respiratory problems related to allergies and asthma. 

Dr.William Lewis Aliquam sit amet dignissim ligula, eget sodales orci. Etiam vehicula est ligula, laoreet porttitor diam congue eget. Cras vestibulum id nisl eu luctus. In malesuada tortor magna, vel tincidunt augue fringilla eget. Fusce ac lectus nec tellus malesuada pretium.

MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery) Gold Medalist (2009-2015) M.D In General Medicine (2016-2019), CCID (Infectious Diseases)

PG Diploma In Clinical Endocrinology v& Diabetes, Clinical Associate in Non-Invasive Cardiology

Dr.William Lewis Aliquam sit amet dignissim ligula, eget sodales orci. Etiam vehicula est ligula, laoreet porttitor diam congue eget. Cras vestibulum id nisl eu luctus. In malesuada tortor magna, vel tincidunt augue fringilla eget. Fusce ac lectus nec tellus malesuada pretium.

MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery) Gold Medalist (2009-2015) M.D In General Medicine (2016-2019), CCID (Infectious Diseases)

PG Diploma In Clinical Endocrinology v& Diabetes, Clinical Associate in Non-Invasive Cardiology

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