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14 Best Ayurvedic Remedies for Gastric Problems

Mr Rounak has a problem where the digestive enzymes produced by his stomach are disrupted, resulting in acidity. This situation is commonly known as acid reflux. The corrosive effects are offset by the release of other substances resulting in acidity. 

Mr Rounak wonders if he can trust Ayurveda and the best ayurvedic medicines for gastric problems. He wants to know if ayurvedic treatment for stomach gas is effective and searches for the best ayurvedic gastric medicine for gastric problems.

What Causes The Gastric Problem?

The fundamental reason for this disease, according to Ayurveda, is a worsening of the Pitta Dosha, that is, the fire element in the body.

ayurvedic medicine for gas

This article lets one look at some of the Ayurvedic therapies for hyperacidity and acid reflux dos and don’ts. It would be beneficial to go through some of the most prevalent Ayurveda therapies or medications for acidity issues.

How Does This Acidity Affect The Body?

It causes discomfort and symptoms such as loss of appetite, heartburn, and sudden stomach pain, among others.

How does this acidity Affect the Body

An acidic pH can lead to weight issues, including diabetes and obesity. Insulin Sensitivity is a syndrome that occurs when our bodies get excessively acidic. This causes an overabundance of insulin to be generated and causes hyperacidity.

What Are The Causes Of Hyper Acidity?

Here are a few common reasons causing hyperacidity:

  • Consuming foods that are unsuitable for your constitution or aren’t allowed to be destroyed, such as milk and salt or milk and fish.
  • Beverages and meals are scorching and sour.
  • Products made with white flour.
  • White sugar-based products
  • Smoking
  • Excessive coffee and tea consumption
  • Alcohol consumption
  • If you have meals even though you may be experiencing indigestion
  • Keeping the desire to urinate under control
  • Heat and sun exposure over an extended period

14 Best Ayurvedic Remedies for Gastric Problem

Ayurveda offers several simple home remedies for acidity that are highly effective in assuring your quick recovery. If one is looking for the best ayurvedic medicine for gas, acidity, bloating, constipation and indigestion, one can try any Ayurvedic treatments described below.

1. Indian Gooseberry: It is a fruit native to India high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. According to Ayurveda, this ayurvedic medicine for stomach gas aids in reducing pitta, which is characterized by excessive heat and is fiery. An elevated pitta causes acid reflux. 

2. Cumin Seeds: Cumin seeds can be ground into a powder, and mixed with half a cup of water (about one litre), to create the best ayurvedic medicine for gastric problems. Then, while the solution is still boiling, filter it. 

3. Aniseed: It can be chewed and swallowed gently and raw and is among the best medicine for indigestion and stomach gas. Honey and mulethi (liquorice): Reduce liquorice root to powder, then add a little honey to half a scoop of powder to make a paste. After each meal, lick this paste to swallow it.

4. White Pumpkin Juice: It is made by slicing a white pumpkin skin and extracting the pulpy liquid. Half a cup twice daily relieves gastritis and acidity quickly and is among the best ayurvedic medicine for indigestion and gas. 

5. Jeera: Jeera consumed with warm ghee and then mixed with rice tends to be a perfect ayurvedic treatment for stomach gas. 

6. Mint Leaves: Mint reduces acid production and cools the burning sensation in your stomach. Chop and boil some mint leaves; then drink the cooled solution for relief.

7. Tulsi: Tulsi is among the best ayurvedic medicines for gastric problems. Tulsi boosts mucus production in the stomach and has antiulcer properties. 

8. Cardamom: Elaichi, or cardamom, is a multi-purpose remedy. It stimulates digestion, reduces stomach spasms, soothes the stomach lining, and prevents excessive acid production. 

9. Cloves: Cloves boost saliva production, which helps in digestion and reduces the symptoms of acidity. For relieving acidity, bite a piece of clove and keep it in your mouth. The oils released from the clove will reduce acidity within no time.

10. Ginger: Use this ayurvedic cure for acid reflux; for that, use ginger; it improves digestion and helps absorb and assimilate essential nutrients better. 

11. Buttermilk: One can take half a glass of buttermilk and add a pinch of each asafetida and turmeric to it. 

12. Jaggery: You can try this ayurvedic remedy for acid reflux for the boiled ash gourd with jaggery. This relieves the burning sensation in the stomach to a considerable extent.

13. Bananas: In Ayurveda, potassium content in ripe bananas helps eliminate sudden bouts of acidity. Bananas also aid in relieving constipation problems and cause a healthy bowel movement.

14. Cold Milk: The richness of calcium in milk aids in reducing acid problems and absorbing the acid which has already been produced. It helps in providing instant relief from the burning sensation owing to its coldness and is a perfect ayurvedic medicine for stomach gas.

Read More: Reduce Your Symptoms of Acidity or Heartburn at Home

How Does Ayurveda Help With Digestion?

Pitta aggravates your digestive fire, causing your food not to be adequately digested and influencing the creation of ama. The hyperacidity reflux occurs when ama builds up in the digestive channels.


There are various effective Ayurvedic medicines for gas that can help alleviate gastric problems. Consult with an Ayurvedic practitioner to find the best remedy for your individual needs.

It’s critical to take a full, deep breath once you’ve done eating before standing up and going on to your next activity. As one moves away from eating, this helps the body recognize contentment and maintains a healthy degree of consciousness. The probiotic impact of a little cup of lassi after a meal is also beneficial to certain people. 

Acidity FAQs:

How to cure gastric problems permanently?

There is no single definitive remedy for gastric disorders because the root cause and degree of severity of the illness can vary a lot; however, making modifications in your lifestyle may help relieve your gastric issues. These include:

• Maintaining a healthy and nutritious diet. Eating less junk food
• Limiting your intake of alcohol and caffeine
• Exercising on a regular basis to aid digestion
• Quitting smoking
• Consuming smaller meals at regular intervals
• Sleeping for at least 8 hours daily
• Taking your doctor-prescribed medicines exactly as instructed

If your symptoms persist, it is advisable to consult a doctor right away instead of self-medicating or using natural remedies.

Which ayurvedic medicine is good for gas problems?

There are various ayurvedic drugs available that may help with gas issues, but you should speak with a licenced Ayurvedic practitioner to identify the appropriate treatment for your specific condition. Here are some commonly used Ayurvedic remedies for gas problems:
• Ginger
• Cumin seeds
• Cloves
• Mint leaves
• Buttermilk

What are the signs of gastric problems?

A lot of individuals frequently encounter signs and symptoms such as pain in the upper abdomen, burping, bloating, indigestion, and a sense of being full even after little meals.

Can Ayurveda cure gastric?

Ayurvedic drugs are prescribed for balancing the aggravated Pitta Dosha which are coolant and rejuvenating in nature and improves digestion that consists of tablets, capsules, syrups and powder formulations.

How can Ayurveda cure gas permanently?

Ayurveda offers several simple home remedies for acidity that are highly effective in assuring your quick recovery. If one is looking for the best ayurvedic medicine for gas, acidity, bloating, constipation and indigestion, one can try any Ayurvedic treatments

How do I clear gas quickly?

Some of the remedies for fast relief from gas include:
Applying Heat. Heat can be soothing for gas pain.
Consuming peppermint tea
Abdominal Massage

Does drinking hot water relieve gas?

Drinking warm water may have favorable effects on intestinal movements and help relieve gas.

About The Author

Dr.William Lewis Aliquam sit amet dignissim ligula, eget sodales orci. Etiam vehicula est ligula, laoreet porttitor diam congue eget. Cras vestibulum id nisl eu luctus. In malesuada tortor magna, vel tincidunt augue fringilla eget. Fusce ac lectus nec tellus malesuada pretium.

MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery) Gold Medalist (2009-2015) M.D In General Medicine (2016-2019), CCID (Infectious Diseases)

PG Diploma In Clinical Endocrinology v& Diabetes, Clinical Associate in Non-Invasive Cardiology

Dr.William Lewis Aliquam sit amet dignissim ligula, eget sodales orci. Etiam vehicula est ligula, laoreet porttitor diam congue eget. Cras vestibulum id nisl eu luctus. In malesuada tortor magna, vel tincidunt augue fringilla eget. Fusce ac lectus nec tellus malesuada pretium.

MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery) Gold Medalist (2009-2015) M.D In General Medicine (2016-2019), CCID (Infectious Diseases)

PG Diploma In Clinical Endocrinology v& Diabetes, Clinical Associate in Non-Invasive Cardiology

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