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Health benefits of Gyan Mudra

Also known as the Mudra of knowledge and wisdom, Gyan Mudra has several benefits. It is considered one of the prominent mudras in the yogic world. People believe that Gyan Mudra helps them connect with the universe in addition to calming and sharpening their minds.

People are often recommended to start incorporating Gyan Mudra in their day-to-day lives whenever they can. This is a simple mudra that is associated with many health benefits that are discussed here. Keep reading to learn more about the Gyan Mudra and how to practise it.

What is Gyan Mudra?

Gyan Mudra is a type of Hasta (or hand) mudra that helps people in improving their concentration and memory. It is one of the best healing yoga mudras.
According to Ayurveda’s Pancha Tatva theory, the five fingers are associated with the five elements—fire, air, earth, water, and ether. Gyan Mudra hasta yoga is performed by touching the fore finger with the thumb, and it combines air and fire elements. It is believed that the air element is responsible for the functioning of the nervous system and is associated with impulsive movements and thoughts. Since Gyan Mudra increases the air element in the body, it is also known as Vaayu (air) Vardhak mudra.


Additionally, it is believed that the fire element in Gyan Mudra stabilised the haphazard nature of the air (associated with the mind and thoughts). Thus, it helps in balancing a person’s thinking process without impacting their imaginative power and creativity. According to this theory, Gyan Mudra leads to a positive effect on a person’s mind.
Other names for Gyan Mudra include Jnana mudra and Dhyan mudra. It is also known as the mudra of consciousness, knowledge, and wisdom.


Practising Gyan Mudra Pose

It is one of the most simple mudras to perform and is preferred by yogi/yogis and people who practise mediation. One can easily incorporate Gyan Mudra into their regular yoga practice while performing balancing poses such as Natarajasana (dancer’s pose) or can perform it while meditating to improve the focus.


To perform Gyan Mudra, one simply has to connect their forefinger and thumb and relax other fingers. If the person is sitting for meditation, they can rest their hands facing the ceiling/sky. Doing the Gyan Mudra hasta yoga with palms facing down can have a grounding effect. While practising Gyan Mudra with meditation, try holding the mudra for as long as you can; holding it for 3 minutes is a good starting point, but you should increase the duration with time.


People also combine transcendental meditation or mantra chanting with Gyan Mudra hasta yoga. Here is an example of how to practise Gyan Mudra on your own:


  • Start with sitting in Sukhasana, Vajrasana, or simply on a chair with an erect spine.
  • Relax your body without slouching and maintain an erect spine.
  • Take a few deep breaths and close your eyes.
  • Connect the pad of the thumb with that of the forefinger.
  • Rest your palms facing upwards on your knees or thighs.
  • Focus on your breath.

If you find it difficult to focus on your breath or sit still, try chanting a mantra, Om, or the letter ‘M’ (for people who don’t want to associate with a religion).

  • Hold this position for as long as you’d like (recommended time is 10 minutes).
  • Rub your hands together at the end and place them over your eyes.
  • Slowly open the eyes and conclude the practice.

Gyan Mudra Benefits

The simple and easy-to-perform mudra is recommended to almost every beginner during their meditation or pranayama practice to help stabilise their monkeyminds. Listed below are some of the benefits of the Gyan Mudra pose:

• Enhances memory and the clarity of thoughts

As the name suggests, Gyan Mudra is especially beneficial for the mind. People who practise it regularly can see improvements in their memory power and increased clarity of thought as some of the Gyan Mudra benefits.

• Improves focus and concentration

Gyan Mudra benefits a person who is practising it daily by reducing their mind’s tendency to get distracted. It is extremely helpful for beginners in grounding their mind during the practice.

• Reduces anxiety

A study conducted on 20 participants of mixed gender revealed that performing Gyan Mudra for 15 minutes can significantly lower anxiety and stress levels. Practising Gyan Mudra regularly may reduce your anxiety to a normal level and promote a calm state of mind and improved cognitive abilities such as balanced thinking. Please note that practising Gyan Mudra may help reduce anxiety, but a person with clinical anxiety disorder shouldn’t replace their medication or therapy with this practice.

• Helps in managing high blood pressure

A research conducted on Hasta (or hand) Mudras revealed that practising these gestures can help in lowering the blood pressure of people with high BP problem. Note that you must never stop following your care plan to try different techniques to manage chronic conditions like high blood pressure; it is important to consult a doctor before making any drastic changes to avoid complications.

• Stimulates the pituitary gland and improve overall health

The tip of the thumb corresponds to the brain in acupressure reflexology. Thus, Gyan Mudra is believed to stimulate the brain and the pituitary gland; this improves the overall health of a person as the pituitary gland can be considered the head of the endocrine system.

Additionally, as per Ayurveda there are other alleged benefits of the Gyan Mudra pose, including the ones mentioned below. However, there is no solid evidence in the form of controlled research to support these, so you are advised to do your own research and talk to experts before making a drastic change.

  • The Gyan Mudra yoga pose can stimulate the endocrine glands and balance out hormonal imbalance and combat water retention in the body.
  • Gyan Mudra is beneficial in the therapeutic form for conditions such as diabetes, insomnia, hypopituitarism.
  • People with a drug addiction can benefit from practising the Gyan Mudra.
  • According to the five elements theory, Gyan Mudra can also improve Vata deficiency and fix the imbalance of elements in the body.
  • It can stimulate the Muladhara chakra (root chakra) and improve the sense of connection with yourself.
  • Gyan Mudra can cleanse the aura and Prana or source of life.
  • It helps in chakra healing.
  • It has soothing effects on a person experiencing extreme emotions such as anger.
  • Reduces feelings of tension and sadness


Who Should Practise Gyan Mudra?

Anyone can perform Gyan Mudra, except for people who have Vata dosha as per the Pancha Tatva theory. Whether you are a student preparing for exams, a corporate employee struggling in your job, or just want to try something new, consider practising Gyan Mudra for improved concentration and enjoy other benefits associated with this powerful hasta yoga. If you are confused about starting this practice consider talking to a yoga expert.


Things to Keep in Mind While Practising Gyan Mudra

It is believed that people who have Vata dosha or imbalance (dominance of air element in the body) should avoid practising Gyan Mudra as it can do them more harm than good. Excessive Vata in your body can cause forgetfulness, confusion, and chaos in the mind in a person’s life. Drinking warm beverages, eating root vegetables, performing more seated asanas, wearing neutral earthy tones, and practising Kapalbhati (breath of fire) can counteract the dosha if a person with Vata imbalance practises Gyan Mudra.


Additionally, several studies have been conducted to study the brain’s response to different cues and found that the brain makes connections in the data (memories) it stores. For example, whenever you smell a particular smell of a candy that you used to enjoy in your childhood, the brain immediately makes a connection with the experience and recalls every associated memory stored. Repeating the cues can also strengthen this connection and you start associating that particular candy with likely warm feelings. Similarly, if you practise Gyan Mudra regularly and associate it with improved brain function and other benefits, it becomes an anchor in the mind that can further improve your brain function whenever you repeat the activity. Hence, the more you practice Gyan Mudra, the easier it gets to enjoy the benefits.


A simple and potent seal, Gyan Mudra has numerous benefits and can help you become more spiritual. Being one of the easiest mudras to perform, it is ideal for beginners as well and is often the first mudra a person learns. One can practise Gyan Mudra during meditation practice, while walking, or whenever they feel like it.


According to the Pancha Tatva theory, practising Gyan Mudra can activate the dormant or reduced Vata (air) element. This encourages proper flow and balance of Prana and clarity of mind, among other benefits. Include this hasta yoga in your daily life and observe the transformation of your mind yourself.

Dr.William Lewis Aliquam sit amet dignissim ligula, eget sodales orci. Etiam vehicula est ligula, laoreet porttitor diam congue eget. Cras vestibulum id nisl eu luctus. In malesuada tortor magna, vel tincidunt augue fringilla eget. Fusce ac lectus nec tellus malesuada pretium.

MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery) Gold Medalist (2009-2015) M.D In General Medicine (2016-2019), CCID (Infectious Diseases)

PG Diploma In Clinical Endocrinology v& Diabetes, Clinical Associate in Non-Invasive Cardiology

Dr.William Lewis Aliquam sit amet dignissim ligula, eget sodales orci. Etiam vehicula est ligula, laoreet porttitor diam congue eget. Cras vestibulum id nisl eu luctus. In malesuada tortor magna, vel tincidunt augue fringilla eget. Fusce ac lectus nec tellus malesuada pretium.

MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery) Gold Medalist (2009-2015) M.D In General Medicine (2016-2019), CCID (Infectious Diseases)

PG Diploma In Clinical Endocrinology v& Diabetes, Clinical Associate in Non-Invasive Cardiology

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