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Top Health Benefits Of Oyster Mushroom To Boost Immunity

Oyster mushrooms come with a mélange of health benefits including improved and superior immunity. Oyster mushrooms belong to the species named Pleurotus and are a group of mushrooms which are gilled. They are often called fungi but make for good options for those who do not eat meat. One of the types is Pleurotus Ostreatus and this is the American variety. All of these types are consumable and can be added to various dishes including pasta which is a major household favorite nowadays!

Nutritional Value of Oyster Mushrooms

There are more than 40 types of oyster mushrooms available. You can also consume the dried oyster mushroom variety for your meals. Some also prefer consuming king oyster mushrooms in turn.

Here is a list of nutritional facts about oyster mushrooms: 

A cup of 86 grams will have 5 grams in carbohydrates and the following nutrients:

Protein- 3 g

Fiber– 2 g

Fat- 1 g

Besides, oyster mushrooms contain nutrients like niacin, potassium, choline, folate, zinc, phosphorus, pantothenic acid, and iron. 

Now that you know some vital oyster mushroom facts, here’s learning more about its benefits.

Top Oyster Mushroom Benefits

Here is a list of benefits that you should know more about: 

1. Contains Rich Antioxidants 

These mushrooms contain antioxidants in large amounts which help in combating cell damage. Reports have also highlighted how these mushrooms contain ergothioneine, an amino acid, which comes with antioxidant effects of its own. Atherosclerosis is a procedure where LDL or bad cholesterol is oxidized. This leads to plaque build-up within the arteries and may contribute towards heart ailments. Hence, these are effects negated by oyster mushrooms. 

2. Improves Heart Health 

Oyster mushrooms contribute towards a better heart by lowering several potential risk factors. These include higher blood pressure and cholesterol levels alike. P. Ostreatus comes with compounds for better health of the heart including beta-glucans which are specific types of fibers.

3. Keeps Blood Sugar in Check 

These mushrooms help greatly in checking blood sugar levels in the body. Studies have found that it contributes greatly towards lowering blood sugar levels after meals. 

4. Boosts the Immune System 

Consumption of oyster mushrooms may give your system a massive immunity boost. They contain a beta-glucan-fiber called Pleuran which may help with immune system modulation. This may also help in relieving symptoms in those suffering from respiratory disorders. 

5. Combats Tumors 

Studies indicate that these mushrooms may contain anti-tumor attributes. Eating oyster mushrooms regularly can help prevent tumors and cancerous growth. 

6. Improves Stomach Health 

Oyster mushrooms may help in tackling pathogenic bacteria within the stomach, thereby enhancing gut health greatly. 

7. Combats Inflammation 

Oyster mushrooms also have anti-inflammatory properties and compounds which are good for the system. You can easily get rid of pain due to inflammation by consuming a moderate quantity of oyster mushrooms. 

8. Checks Cholesterol Levels

These delicate mushrooms may also contribute towards keeping cholesterol levels in check within the system. They do not contain any cholesterol of their own and may help in lowering overall triglycerides. This could be especially beneficial for diabetics. 

9. Ensures Better Bone Health 

Consumption of oyster mushrooms helps immensely in the development of stronger bones. They contain various nutrients and other minerals including magnesium and Vitamin D alike. These are essential for good bone health. 

10. May Combat Cancer 

Beta-glucans in these mushrooms may take on the role of antioxidants, thereby safeguarding the body against specific types of cancers. 

Side Effects of Oyster Mushrooms

Studies have found that the following side effects may take place: 

  1. Respiratory disorders
  2. Higher arterial blood pressure
  3. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis symptoms
  4. Those with mushroom allergies may also witness chills, pain, rashes and fever
  5. Swelling or itching in the throat or mouth
  6. Headaches or dizziness
  7. Losing consciousness in rare cases
  8. Diarrhea
  9. Pain in the abdomen
  10. Nausea and gas

The Bottom Line

These mushrooms only have a limited shelf life which extends to a few days. Consumption can be harmful after this period. So, always eat fresh oyster mushrooms to fetch all the above-mentioned health benefits.


What triggers oyster mushroom fruiting?

With a mushroom growing consistently, the need of the hour is to maintain 80-95% of relative humidity which is on the higher side. Fresh air is also required consistently. This is more for oyster mushrooms than other types of mushrooms. Fruiting is only possible when they are given plenty of fresh air to grow. 

How long does an oyster mushroom take to grow?

Oyster mushrooms usually start coming out within a few days and they require nutrients and water from the mycelium. The small pins start getting bigger quickly and then form larger and full-sized mushrooms within a period of just 5-7 days on average. 

How do you water a mushroom?

Mushrooms usually grow well in darker areas. They need watering with some water misting alongside. They may be watered with a can or spray bottle alike. They should get sufficient water at least twice each day. You should water them in the evenings and mornings. 

Do mushrooms need a lot of water? 

They require a moist ecosystem for growing properly and they also require water on a daily basis. The application of the water is also very essential. Too much water may lead to their destruction. 

How do you take care of a mushroom?

You should not wash your mushrooms unless it is unavoidable. The best way is to clean mushrooms with a cloth or paper towel that is a little moist. You can rinse under a flowing tap but ensure that you do not soak the mushrooms. Do not dispose of the stems since you can use them in preparations such as sauces and even soups. 

Dr.William Lewis Aliquam sit amet dignissim ligula, eget sodales orci. Etiam vehicula est ligula, laoreet porttitor diam congue eget. Cras vestibulum id nisl eu luctus. In malesuada tortor magna, vel tincidunt augue fringilla eget. Fusce ac lectus nec tellus malesuada pretium.

MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery) Gold Medalist (2009-2015) M.D In General Medicine (2016-2019), CCID (Infectious Diseases)

PG Diploma In Clinical Endocrinology v& Diabetes, Clinical Associate in Non-Invasive Cardiology

Dr.William Lewis Aliquam sit amet dignissim ligula, eget sodales orci. Etiam vehicula est ligula, laoreet porttitor diam congue eget. Cras vestibulum id nisl eu luctus. In malesuada tortor magna, vel tincidunt augue fringilla eget. Fusce ac lectus nec tellus malesuada pretium.

MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery) Gold Medalist (2009-2015) M.D In General Medicine (2016-2019), CCID (Infectious Diseases)

PG Diploma In Clinical Endocrinology v& Diabetes, Clinical Associate in Non-Invasive Cardiology

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